Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology signing a collaboration agreement with Newtecons Investment Construction Joint Stock Company

Written by : quantri - Post date : 02/12/2020
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Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology signing a collaboration agreement with Newtecons Investment Construction Joint Stock Company


The signing ceremony of collaboration agreement between Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT) and Newtecons Construction Investment Joint Stock Company (Newtecons) took place at the university’s main campus in the morning of November 3, 2020.

The signing ceremony of collaboration agreement between Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Newtecons Construction Investment Joint Stock Company

Attending the signing ceremony, from Newtecons Construction Investment Joint Stock Company, there were Mr. Ngo Dinh Ngoc Quang – Executive Director; Mr. Tran Ngoc Duc – Technical Director and other representatives of the company’s departments. On the side of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, there were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mai Thanh Phong – President, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Danh Thao – Vice President and the leadership of HCMUT’s faculties and offices.

Delivering his remarks at the signing ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mai Thanh Phong highly valued the dramatic developments of Newtecons; adding that the University will further foster training activities in a tight linkage with its  business partners in the coming time.

Signing agreement in the witness of the two sides’ representatives

Representing Newtecons, Mr. Ngo Dinh Ngoc Quang expressed his honor to cooperate with HCMUT. He himself is an alumnus of the university. Through signing the agreement, he hopes to accompany the University in future activities to cultivate talents for the construction industry.

The signing of this strategic agreement affirms the sustainable collaboration between HCMUT and Newtecons on their path to seek and cultivate young talents.

Directing towards supporting students in learning and research, Newtecons and HCMUT is jointly implementing the collaboration including: Proving opportunities for students to do internship in practical environments; Accompanying with the Youth Union and Student Association to organize training courses, seminars, appreciations activities for the University’s staff; Establishing a research fund to support students in their scientific research activities as well as in R&D competitions; Collaborating in research and technology transfer; Career orientation, recruitment consultancy and other scopes aiming at faciliating, training and developing human resources.

It is known that this is the first time that Newtecons Construction Investment Joint Stock Company and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement. This strategic signing ceremony affirms the sustainable collaboration between the Newtecons and HCMUT on their way to seek and nurture young talents. This agreement will also be a bridge for students to have access to the practical working environment through internships and skills training opportunities.


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