Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology: International Accreditation – Global Integration
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology: International Accreditation – Global Integration
Since 2005, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology has set objectives of international accreditation in education as part of a strategic promotion of the image of the university visible regionally and internationally.
Quality – specific actions taken
The university has set quality as a credo which has been transformed in specific actions in teaching, study, scientific research activities among students and/or staff. Internal quality assurance system of the university has been promoting quality culture, collection of supporting documents and data that are used to measure and improve training quality.
The second campus in Di An in Binh Duong province
In order to protect the declaration on assured quality standards objectively, the university have had accreditation activities conducted by domestic and international accreditation organizations. Domestically, quality assurance was recognized by Ministry of Education and Training in 2005 and revised and continuously recognized in 2016.
International accreditations
In order to gain the integrated position recognized internationally, the strategy of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology aims at quality improvement towards regional and international recognitions.
Since 2009, quality assurance activities of the university have been conducted and gained considerable achievements, such as the recognitions of AUN-QA (ASEAN University Network – Quality assurance), EUR-ACE (CTI-ENAEE) (Commission des titres d’ingénieurs -The European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education), FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), ACBSP (, the U.S.A)…
Students in Chemical Engineering doing experiments at a lab in the campus
Notably, the biggest achievement in the accreditation activities is the recognition of ABET (the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, the U.S.A), in 2014. Until now Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, the first and unique university in Vietnam, has had the two training programs (computer science and computer engineering) recognized by ABET.
Students graduating from these recognized programs not only have increasing job opportunities (several American companies have placed priorities in recruitment for job applicants who graduated from ABET recognized programs ) but also are offered special support while either working in American companies or taking exams to be granted professional certificates in the U.S.A.
Vice Rector Dr. Vu The Dung stated that the ABET expert groups even requested to submit exam questions for students in the past and proved that these questions could evaluate students’ all-around qualifications against the course objectives set.” What is more, ABET evaluated student professional performances 5 years after graduation.
International Accreditation – Global integration
Along with quality improvements and international recognitions in terms of accreditation activities, training activities at the university have been internationalizing.
Since 1994, over 20 training programs of both undergraduate and graduate levels have totally been conducted in English. These programs have been recognized and the credits obtained have hence been transferrable to overseas partners. These partners include University of Illinois and Rutgers University in the U.S.A; The University of Queensland and The University of Adelaide in Australia; Nagaoka University of Technology and Kanazawa University in Japan; Maastricht School of Management and University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland in Europe.
As a result, over the past 20 years, thousands of student mobilities have taken place between the university and partners for study and degree grant purposes.
It is clear that quality improvements and compliances with international rules set by accreditation organizations have opened favorable conditions for the university to be ready for overall global integration. Fresh graduates from the university are now very competent in terms of academic qualifications, English proficiency and confidence in the integration course.
A LIST OF TRAINING PROGRAMS AT THE UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ABET: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. (At the same time, two faculties of Electrical – Electronics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are both setting timelines towards ABET recognitions by 2019). AUN-QA: Electronics Engineering – Telecommunications, Manufacturing Engineering, Industrial Constructions and Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Control and Automation Engineering, Industrial Management, Engineering Mechanics, Electrical – Electronics Engineering (advanced training program), Industrial System Engineering. (Specifically, the total three training programs in Electrical – Electronics Engineering have been recognized). EUR-ACE (CTI-ENAEE): Mechatronics, Aeronautical Engineering, Advanced Materials, Polymer and Composite Materials, Telecommunications, Energy Systems, Civil Engineering and Energy Efficiency (French – Vietnamese programs for excellent engineers) FIBAA: Executive Master of Business Administration – Management Consulting International (EMBA-MCI). ACBSP: Master of Business Administration in collaboration with Maastricht School of Management. |
(The labour Newspaper)
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